viernes, octubre 22, 2004


The Ritual Art of Hermann Nitsch

The Sacrificial Ethetic
La Idea de Sacrificio mas "convencional" y cruenta esta lejos de ofrecer un fondo a las inquietudes actuales de Arturo y de tantos otros en el campo del Arte, pero es un caso clasico que hace parte del contexto que estudiamos, como el famoso Orgien und Mysterien Theater de Hermann Nietsch, el cual inicio labores con los demas accionistas vieneses Guenther Brus, Otto Muehl y Arnulf Rainer a mediados de los 60 s y aun prosigue con rituales que duran varios dias. Hay varias maneras de abordar el tema del sacrificio en el Arte, personalmente creo mas en las que no involucran violencia ni sangre, como en el ejemplo Teosofico anterior, pero hay artistas del primer genero que ya son clasicos y nos sirven de referencia para abrir el contexto en una sociedad que ya solo se mira el ombligo. Otra posibilidad de abordarlo desde la Psicologia Profunda es el libro de Carl Gustav Jung Simbolos de Transformacion. Dopnde hay un capitulo en especial que vale la pena que Arturo lea. Si no esta en Biblioteca Central lo puedo dejar en nuestro casillero.


Sacrificio y sentido del acto

Esta Entrada va para Arturo, como la primera respuesta de varias posibles sobre su inquietud respecto a la dinamica de los sacrificios. Pienso que en el fondo la performancia en el arte contemoporaneo no se entiende bien sin el contexto antropologico, historico, espiritual del sacrificio. Richard Schechner lo discute ampliamente en Performance: The Future of Ritual. Te puedo pasar el texto para que lo copies. Por ahora un link hacia un texto Teosófico a ver si aporta algo mientras tanto, este es solo un extracto. Saludos a todos. Alvaro

The Art of Sacrifice
Ancient mystical philosophies speak of the manifestation of the Universe as an act of sacrifice. The incarnated existence of a human being is also said to be an act of sacrifice. But the word yajna or sacrifice is now miscontrued. Originally, sacrifice was a joyous, creative act, and its performance was undertaken by all when the throb of the heart was pure and spiritual. Divine Wisdom, Theo-Sophia, was known to and practised by large numbers of people in ancient times, when Deva-Rishis, Divine Sages, walked the earth and all followed the Religion of Life. The great sacrifices were acts of pure magic and there was no loss of life, no spilling of blood, in those ancient days. Later, when knowledge weakened and passion obscured the spiritual vision, and the "third eye" which was once in function disappeared, the rites of sacrifice became outer rites of religion instead of inner creative processes."
"...The root of light is sacrifice, and sacrifice alone can produce service. Real service is the silent performance of duties, but those duties must be transformed into sacrifices. Our duties look irksome to us, but when we have changed our attitude and recognize ourselves as priests of the Religion of Life, when we have cultivated the habit of looking upon every thought and every feeling of ours, every word we speak and every deed we do, as acts of sacrifice, then comes joy and peace and strength that nothing can shake."

"...Beginning with small sacrifices, performed day by day, we shall learn the art of performing great magical sacrifices from those Divine Magicians who throw the Light of Wisdom on our path and teach us to pass on that Light to others."

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